-a 3 Roman:[ -Ā]
Meaning: A suf. used to form denominatives.3
Part of Speech: Td. *āpaya-. V. ākchiyā-.
Uses in a Sentence: -আ
-aন অকরিসি আরাক ওয়াহি কতহান....
-a -A- (It is now absent from BPM, though the sense is found in those words to which it was formerly affixed. OIA. -a, -ana, V. cal, ḍāk.) - A suf. formerly added to roots to form verbal nouns.। 3-aka -AK- (MIA. akka
-aka -AK- (MIA. -akka
-awi -AṬI- (Td. *vṛttika. V. kaṛi-aṭi.) - A pleon. suf..। 3
-ata -AT- (Td. -ant. V. phirat.) - A suf. added to roots to form present participles and verbal nouns.। 3
-ana -AN- (OIA.-ana. V. maran, paṛan.) - A suf. added to roots to form abstract verbal nouns.। 3
-ani -ANI- (OIA-ana + -ika. V. harani, dharani.) - A suf. added to roots in agentive, instrumental or pleon. sense.। 3
-anti -ANTI- (OIA. -ant + -ika. V. bálanti, lā́ganti.) - A suf. added to roots to form present participles.। 3
-amva -AMBA- (–aṅ + -bā. V. káyāmbā.) - A suf. added to nouns or adjs. to indicate a ‘relation’.। 3
-ala -AL- (Td. -pāla. V. nātiyal, hauriyal.) - A suf. added to words of relationship to indicate a plural sense.। 3
Source: 1. বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী জাতীয় অভিধান. (২০২৩)। দিল্স লক্ষীন্দ্র সিংহ, ড. সন্তোষ সিংহ, অনিতা সিংহ। নিখিল বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী সাহিত্য পরিষদ। 2. Bishnupriya Manipuri-English Dictionary. (2021). Dr. Kali Prasad Sinha. Bishnupriya Manipuri Sahitya Sabha. 3. An Etymological Dictionary of Bishnupriya Manipuri. (1986). Dr. Kali Prasad Sinha. Punthi Pustak, Calcutta.