a 3 Roman:[ A]
Meaning: A voc. particle, oh, (a dada…Oh my elder brother).3
Uses in a Sentence: অ
aন অকরিসি আরাক ওয়াহি কতহান....
a'- Á-- (OIA. bhava- (bhū). (Ail : (It) has become).) - To be, to become.। 3a + A +- (Td. ayam. V. a-māṭik.) - A pref. added in the sense of 'such'.। 3
a+ A+- (Td, a-, an-. V. akhuśī.) - A negative pref.। 3
a+ A+- (V. aghor.) - A pleon. pref. of euphemisitic origin.। 3
a A- () - A voc. particle, oh, (a dada…Oh my elder brother).। 3
-a -A- (It is now absent from BPM, though the sense is found in those words to which it was formerly affixed. OIA. -a, -ana, V. cal, ḍāk.) - A suf. formerly added to roots to form verbal nouns.। 3
aicA AICĀ- (Mt. oijabā.) - Profit.। 3
aiccA AICCĀ- (Mt. yāojā.) - Restless, fickle.। 3
aiTi-tAmaTi ÁITHI-TĀMTHI- (Mt. hoi-pā (Cf. OIA. bhava-)=to be + thīpā=bad+tām-pā=to follow+thī-pā=bad.) - Mishap, accident.। 3
aivA-nAivA ÁIBĀ-NĀIBĀ- (Mt. hoi-bā-māi-bā (hoi =yes, māi=no), Cf. OIA. bhavati vā na bhavati vā.) - Positive or negative.। 3
Source: 1. বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী জাতীয় অভিধান. (২০২৩)। দিল্স লক্ষীন্দ্র সিংহ, ড. সন্তোষ সিংহ, অনিতা সিংহ। নিখিল বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী সাহিত্য পরিষদ। 2. Bishnupriya Manipuri-English Dictionary. (2021). Dr. Kali Prasad Sinha. Bishnupriya Manipuri Sahitya Sabha. 3. An Etymological Dictionary of Bishnupriya Manipuri. (1986). Dr. Kali Prasad Sinha. Punthi Pustak, Calcutta.